We really hate it here

15 33.442 S 146 14.415 W


Gaugin, Herman Melville and Jacques Brel were onto something and we’re catching up. What a lovely place French Polynesia is.

We just arrived at the Apataki atoll in the Tuamotus archipelago. A nice overnight sail from the Tahanea atoll. Now we are buckling down for another blow. A low pressure from the south will bring strong winds tomorrow, gusts up to 35 kt or 18 m/s. We have the anchor well set in sand and are floating the anchor chain with fenders and pearl buoys over the coral heads. We should be all good.

But today was lovely, the pictures don’t do the colors justice. The vibrant blues and greens are unbelievable. Then throw in the shades of green from the palm trees and other tropical vegetation, then the shades of taupe, white and gray of the coral beaches, then the bright white of the Polynesian terns flying above. If I could paint, I would! 
