Things we do onboard

08 18.521 S 123 48.607 W

Day 23 from Panama to the Marquesas. 3,085 nautical miles of 4,000.

In no particular order:


Man the helm

Clear deck of flying sea creatures

Gaze at the waves


Update the log book


Play games

Adjust the clocks


Trim the sails


Slather sun lotion

Make water

Chase away Booby birds

Listen to audio books


Do yoga 


Watch the sun set

Manage power


Watch a show or a movie

Check the weather

Check the sailing competition

Bake bread

See the sun rise

Eat again

Take another nap

Plan the passage

Check equipment

Do laundry


Plan the passage

Update the log book

Watch the sun set

Man the helm

Styrman Andersson. Hard at work at the helm. [The autopilot is our fifth crew member.]

Do the laundry

Hang the laundry


  1. Chase away Booby birds

Clear deck of sea creatures

Flying squid?!

Do yoga


Make bread

Manage power

2310 watts of solar power keep us going. We also have a backup diesel generator for cloudy days + the alternators on the engines.

Make water

The water maker produces up to 40 gallons of water per hour. We keep the tanks topped up so that we will have enough even if the water maker goes on the fritz.

Nap some more

Check equipment
Need to be able to deploy the raft in 30 seconds.

Check equipment
The ditch bag is full of survival equipment to be brought along in the life raft.

Play games



Trim the sails

Cook some more


Do more yoga

Adjust the time

We’ve adjusted the clocks three times already as we are traveling west across the time zones. One more adjustment is needed before we reach the Marquesas - this time by 1 ½ hours. Yes, very odd. The island group differs by 30 minutes from its French Polynesian neighbors.

Slather sun lotion


  1. Chase away Booby birds

  2. We are not winning...

Check equipment

Put up wind protection. Also noise protection - the ocean is loud!

Watch another sun set

Watch the competition

We haven’t seen a boat in 3 weeks, but we are not alone out there. We stay in touch with other boats via Whatsapp and can see their tracks on PredictWind. It’s of course a competition.

