All by my lonesome self

32 23.679n 80 40.676w

“Kan det jävlas så ska det jävlas”, a favorite statement of Kjell, my late father. It’s pretty much Murphy’s Law; if anything can go wrong, it will.

Chris is now on a flight back to Cinci. He lost his driver’s license months ago and mine expired a few weeks ago. Turns out that you cannot rent a car even if your driver’s license is only a “little bit” expired. Chris will renew his license in Cinci, then come back on Monday to Halley, Lucy and me in Beaufort, South Carolina. It will be an epically expensive and time-consuming endeavor all for the purpose of getting Lucy with us back to Cinci. (Can’t fly dogs in the US this time of year - or really any time of year these days.).

So once Chris is back with a precious driver’s license, we can rent a car, pack up and head back to Cinci to see the kids, other family and friends. After 6 months away it will be lots of fun. But we are on a somewhat tight schedule; we’ll also be busy packing up the apartment, putting things in storage + finding lodgings for Eva who’s starting her second year at University of Cincinnati in the fall, now admitted to nursing school. All needs to be done by mid-July. Then it’s on to Montana for a few weeks and after that back to Halley. Never a dull moment, that’s for sure, but it's all good.

And, I don't have to share the cigar tonight.
