Buckling down for a blow

24 04.600n 76 23.470w

It’s midday and we just dropped anchor in one of the prettiest spots so far. Intensely turquoise water against white sand beaches interspersed by rugged rocks and cliffs.This will serve as our hidey-hole for the next 4-5 days as a strong nor’easter is passing through. The place is called Isaac’s Bay and is located on Great Iguana Cay in the Exumas.


We are one of six boats in this bay; not the only ones who think it will provide good shelter in the coming days. Though good is a relative term;  a narrow, low-lying island chain like the Exumas can only provide so much protection in a blow. There’s low land to the north and a ¼ mile thick strip of beaches and dunes separating us from the Atlantic to the east. We will feel the wind for sure, but we won’t get the waves.


But right now, we most definitely have waves. Before turning north tonight, the wind is brisk from the south and waves are rolling in over the shallow banks.Halley is bobbing up and down like a duck, but nothing as bad as the mono-hulls around us, for them it’s more of like riding a bucking bronco. 


So now we are sitting tight and waiting for a forecasted afternoon lull in the wind before the shift to north. Eager to get ashore on the gorgeous beach for a leg-stretcher and a swim. This time, rather than getting the dinghy down, we might give the sea-kayak a go. We inflated and assembled it the other day and took it for a spin. It’s stable in the water and is easy to maneuver and paddle. Lucy fits in the middle and didn’t blink an eye at the prospect of jumping into the kayak the first time we tried. In her mind, anything that floats and will get her to shore will do.
