Stocking Island - Stressing about relaxing

23 30.607n 75 44.492w

Stressing about relaxing is like rushing to yoga. I’ve been doing a fair share of the former this week. Figuring out new routines for working full time from a sailboat in a heavenly location. Gotta get the job done, but also gotta enjoy the here and now.
The days are short this time of year even this far south so I’ve been hopping on the computer for work 2 hours before sunrise to squeeze out the most of daylight for other fun. At 7 the sun is up and it’s time for a break with a dinghy ride to the beach and a walk with Chris and Lucy. Then another long break at lunch, with time for yoga and a swim, followed by more work in the afternoon. It was rough to get back to work after 5 weeks off, but the new routine seems to work.
Chris is hard at it too. Still wrapping up some loose ends on the law practice plus working his way down the boat project list. Water has been the biggest challenge. The water maker is still not working, probably an issue related to the generator; slow progress via phone and text interactions with the installer in California. And, to make things worse, we’ve only been able to tap into one of the two water tanks for the past several weeks. Chris thankfully figured out that problem today and we are water solvent again for another while.
So, we’ve stayed put at our Stocking Island anchorage in the bay by George Town while figuring out work routines and water issues. It’s a beautiful spot so no sacrifice there. Even so, this weekend would have been fun to move on to a different place, but there’s a strong north-east blow and we are hunkering down along with many of the other boats in the area in the well protected bay.
Now we are eying the weather forecast for next week to see if we can find a weather window to move to a new area. We’d like to keep moving further south to even more remote places, like Long Island and Ragged Islands. Monday and Tuesday look nice and calm, but then there’s another nastier system coming with north-west winds. We may be doing the “George Town Shuffle” for another week; moving to different anchorages in the bay as the wind blows hard and changes direction. That’s ok too, the water is gorgeous, the beaches are pristine and the sun is shining - even in a blow.

Deck chair + breeze on foredeck + sun shade sail + ocean view = best office space ever. Took me until Wednesday to figure out, but now that is my all day work spot.
