Black Cay - To some the light is particularly flattering

 23 41.705n 75 59.158w

We took advantage of the calmer conditions and moved north today. The forecast advertised light and variable winds. We were hoping to get the screecher out (the bigger light-wind sail), but no such luck. Whatever little wind we had was stubbornly on our nose the entire way - again… we are starting to take it personally. In any case, it meant no sailing, unless willing to zig-zag at a snail’s pace. But it was a nice trip nonetheless - good to be moving again and good to be out on open water. 


We dropped anchor in Black Cay where we stopped a few weeks ago with the kids. It’s a beautiful spot. There is nobody around except one other sailboat at a distance. The water is crystal clear and it’s completely quiet now that there is no wind.  I dove on the anchor to make sure it’s well set (cool cruisers do that) and we took Lucy to the beach for a romp and a swim. Chris worked some more on one of his many boat projects - in this case refurbishing the fenders (the bumpers that protect the sides of the boat when docked) with new covers and new lines - the current score is five down, one a casualty (yes, you can actually kill a fender) and one to go. 


We ended the day with a spectacular sunset and drinks to match. Chris shared his musings with the video camera - and yes, the light was very beautiful.
