A regular work week?

23 45.944n 76 06.119w

If this ends up being my regular work week, I’ll take it. For starters, it was a short week since Monday was a holiday. But that aside, an altogether great week of combining work with leisure.

We moved the boat on Tuesday morning from Hawk’s Nest Marina, where we had been hiding from the west winds. The destination was New Bight bay, a little further north on Cat Island. I helped Chris get the anchor up and get us going, after that he was at the helm and I was at work enjoying reliable, good Bahamian cell coverage. Definitely a cool feeling to be fully engaged with the office while making 5-6 kt across the Cat Island bay on the far eastern side of the Bahamas.
We spent the next few days in New Bight bay. At one of my lunch breaks we added the highest point in the Bahamas to our list of achievements; the Hermitage at Mount Alvernia, at 206 ft/63m. Gotta love the Bahamas, even the mountains are easy to conquer.
Then yesterday, Friday, the winds were favorable to make it back over to the Exuma island chain. We had a beautiful 54 nm sail in SE winds and arrived via Adderly Cut. We anchored by Lee Stocking Island, the gem we discovered over Christmas with the kids. I managed to squeeze in an honest work day by getting up in the wee hours and making the most of the Cat Island cell coverage while we had it. A few hours of radio silence during mid-day, then back at it in the afternoon once we approached the Exumas.
Today Saturday, a gorgeous, calm day at Lee Stocking Island. Winds were “light and variable”; i.e. super calm with flat water and great visibility. We made this a big hull cleaning day. In the warm, tropical waters, barnacles and seagrass thrive and it was time for us to get after it. Face-mask, snorkel, fins, scraper and a sponge - 44 feet x 4 sides of 2 hulls. Under the wrong conditions this would be a nasty job, but make it sunny, no wind, slack tide, 80F/27C in the water and in the air, then it’s just a good workout and another great day in the Bahamas.
