Williams Cay

23 45.565n 76 05.227w

A Christmas Eve of a very different kind for the family. As the sun climbed a little higher in the sky and provided better visibility for “eyeball navigation”, we moved Halley to Williams Cay a few miles north of Rat Cay. A short but striking stretch to travel with all the shades of blue and green.
Sixten has been battling a cold for the last few days and unfortunately Chris now also feels under the weather. It could be Covid - we’ll know when Sixten gets tested for his flight on Sunday. Until then, not much we can do; we are already naturally and conveniently quarantined onboard Halley.
We took the dinghy into shore on Williams Cay in the afternoon. A short walk up from the beach to a lookout facing the Atlantic. The island is long and skinny with marvelous rock formations, beaches and blow holes along its shorelines. Eva went shell hunting and found an unusual collection with orange, yellows and greens. We lingered a long time and very much enjoyed having truly “arrived” in the Exumas.
In the evening we toasted the holiday with champagne. A very nice and very different Christmas indeed.
