Rat Cay - dead rat

23 43.659n 76 02.663w

It really is a coincidence that we ended the day on Rat Cay after yesterday’s escapades. But fitting since we caught and eliminated the Georgetown rat overnight. Game on, game won.
We left Moss Cay in the Georgetown bay bright and early and headed north-west along the Exuma island chain on the Atlantic side - at this southern section of the Exumas, the bank side is too shallow. The wind was on our nose, but we were able to eke out a few hours of close hauled sailing. It was a windy, bumpy ride - not the most pleasant start on Axel’s and Sixten’s sailing careers - but only lasted a few hours.
We arrived at the Rat Cay cut mid-afternoon and had an exhilarating entry. This is a deep, but narrow cut into the bank side of the island chain. With wind and waves on our back, but with the tide against us, we seemingly flew through the washing-machine like waters at the cut and entered the calm, turquoise waters of the banks. Sigh of relief - we are still very green when it comes to estimating the conditions of the cuts, but it worked out ok this time as well.
Our anchorage on the south side of Rat Cay is beautiful and it will be fun to explore tomorrow.
