Emerald Bay Marina - Bye bye for now

23 37.783n 75 55.087w

We left Black Cay yesterday morning with the slack waters of the low tide - at least per our estimation, there is scant tidal info in the Bahamas. We braved a nearby cut from the banks into the deep that is not mentioned in either of our cruising guides. But the cut looked deep and straightforward, so coupled with slack tide, little wind and little ocean swell, we made a go of it and got out without any trouble.
The wind was exactly on our nose again so we motored. No option to go with the wind today, the destination was Emerald Bay Marina on the Great Exuma Island where Justus, Axel and Eva could hop off the boat and get back to the US.
The marina visit also allowed us to fill up on water (yes, water maker is still an issue), clean the boat, do laundry + splurge on a restaurant meal with the kids before they headed back home. The meal was courtesy Mormor (my mother) who provided the funds as a Christmas gift. As an old salty sailor and mother of five herself, I think she knows how well appreciated that would be by everybody, and especially me - cooking onboard for a crew is a chore.
Justus, Axel and Eva left early this morning and now it’s back to me, Chris and Lucy. We’ve had a very nice two weeks with the kids visiting. It’s been great exploring the Exumas together and really fun showing them what sailing/cruising is all about.
