
Showing posts from November, 2022

Dishy delivers

30 18.639N 78 37.227W We are about 150-200 nautical miles from nearest land and I have internet access at kick-ass speeds. The new Starlink dish is mounted in a temporary location on the rail and it keeps delivering even this far from any land stations (which it still needs, but soon not). Amazing. Of course, internet access is both a curse and a blessing. The charm and romance of being far out at sea, utterly disconnected from the world are lost, but the gains in the safety of up to date  weather forecasts and access to all the knowledge in the world when things break down are hard (foolish) to resist. So here we are, about half way on our trip from Charleston to the Abaco island chain in the Bahamas. The sun is peeking out and we are surfing down nice big ocean roller waves. Two nights and a day behind us, the same ahead. The water has started to shift from iron gray/dark blue to a marine blue. We haven’t seen a boat, bird or sea creature since yesterday, but are hoping for a dolphin