
Showing posts from August, 2022

Halley sailing again

41 01.963N 73 30.650W Radio silence for a while, but Halley has been sailing since the beginning of August. We took a break starting in early June to move out of our apartment in Cincinnati and put stuff into storage. We also got Eva and Axel situated in a charming old apartment that they are now sharing near University of Cincinnati where they both study. Chris pulled the load of much of that work while I was spending precious time with my mother in Sweden. My mother passed away peacefully on July 11 while I was still there - a great lady whose time had come and whom we will miss a lot. Chris and I got back to the boat at the end of July. Halley had been docked at Port Royal in Beaufort, South Carolina, and was no worse for wear, other than a rusty water line. We headed north to get away from the heat and the hurricanes and to see friends and family up north. We trucked along for several 3-day/2-night passages and additional day trips - the US east coast is long - and finally arrived